Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

DESCRABING dalam bahasa inggris

Hi, I am raka. Today I want to tell about my best friend,  ayu krisna. She lives in batubulan village, not so far from my house, she was born on 1st august 1997. She’s student of university , She is young, exuberant, and lively, she is slim and active, she’s beautiful, smart, she has brown skin, long hair and black, round  face, beautiful eyes, she can Balinese dance, She enough tall, she often wears simple clothes.
Ayu krisna is special. I like her spontaneous nature, she has a creative mind. She has a good heart, she is truthful, honest and obedient

I really like her, she was my best friend from the first.

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